04 August 2006

Pawsted by Mosilager

Ginga's vacation

Since BooBoo is recovering from his surgery, Ginga can't be around. One of our friends, the Doc, a fan of the dogs, offered to take Ginga and he's been living there for more than a week. (She refused to take the cat). Ginga's been brushing up on his chasing and swimming skills with some ducks:


and some geese:


He only caught a stick however...

That's a refreshing dip in our 30 degree heat!



Unknown said...

Ginga is ready for his daytime job: duck herding :). Boo found a new one, mattress evaluator ;)

Rohini said...

Now I need to find myself a daytime job half as cool as any of those...

Anonymous said...

Since when did ginga start swimming!?? I've never see him going in deep in the water before.
seems like his coat is lighter too....
hum his rettriver side of blood is getting thicker and thicker.

by the way thanks for the treats!

Mosilager said...

No problem motomama, Ginga's been swimming for a year or so going after sticks in the water. He's gone further than this in the water. His hair might have gotten a little bleached from walking in the sun. He still doesn't quite return the stick after pulling it out of the water, he likes to chew on it but we're working on that part of it :) Do you know exactly where you got him from? I overheard somebody say that he looks just like another dog that they know.