22 February 2006

Pawsted by Mosilager

They love each other

Ginga and BooBoo are very well behaved, especially when there is food in the offing...

After the food they shared some brotherly love...

OK, interesting story. I was walking the guys for about 30 minutes to a birthday party "down the road." (Actually it was Ginga's secret lover's (GSL) birthday party) and when we got close to the house the dogs got very excited. I looked back to see a white dog with black spots following us very nicely. Didn't see a collar or anything, but the dog did look well-groomed. S(he) followed us all the way to the party and I got the Boonga in to the house and left to find the stray. This doggie had disappeared by then unfortunately, so we scared GSL by claiming that his present ran away. Oh well, maybe the doggie just escaped temporarily to get some action with the Boonga.

1 comment:

Mosilager said...

Thanks Mayuri, also credit goes to the doc (Anonymous) and the dog whisperer as well as the doggies themselves :)