BooBoo's aunty the Doc baked him a cake for his 4th (=28th) birthday:
BooBoo's friend "Sunshine aka half of the CC" having a good time with him.
The doggies and humans (except me because of the thesis) went to the park and had a good time!
OK where are the rabbits? If we hunt together we can get one!
And actually they did... BooBoo chased one out and Ginga went after it, the rabbit had a narrow escape because it got stuck in a fence until Lova and Sunshine went to the rescue (of the rabbit).
The birthday was tiring... now they are relaxing at home:
Ginga decided to play doctor again and inspect BooBoo to make sure it wasn't an imposter:
I think Ginga was satisfied but BooBoo wanted a further checkup.