A beautiful labor day afternoon, three boy knights: Booboo, Ginga, and Baptiste (a 6-month-old baby) went for an adventure. They started from the kingdom of Brunswick, strolled through the land of Twyckenham. Left three "landmarks" (booboo got 2) alone the way in hope of their safe return home. A grave danger was awaiting them . The evil perilous lake Twyckenham wanted to destroy their will. Thankfully the leash of rightheousness guarded them through and protected them from the evil geese and the obnoxious trap of goose poo. They crossed the blowing-fire hazardous dragon cars, the long battlefield of grass. With gingaboo's barking and pulling; and Baptiste's rotating fist, they were able to overcome their fear and hunger and booboo's injured leg; and finally defeat the Lord Voldemore and reached the source of love and happiness (the smelly pond of Amstrong park). Baptiste became the king, strolled around the land flanked with the two now first knights: ginga and booboo, who freshly soaked into the holly water of love. They rested by the lake, rolled over the dust of hope, packed a vial of love and happiness, and started their way home. They returned to their beloved kingdom of Brunswick and shared all the dust and water of love, and blessed the whole kingdom.
The end.
P.S. No pictures taken during the journy